Web Logging
22 Sep 2018How to get started blogging
So I have been struggling to blog lately as is evident by the lack of posts on this blog. My biggest problem is picking something to talk about that will be worthy of the audience that (maybe someday) will visit this site. After putting it off for so long I have realised that this factor is probably irrelevant to the whole premise of blogging. This site is supposed to be a web log, not the edited content of a commercial publication that is trying to sell you something. I chose to host this site on GitHub pages with Jekyll because of its simplicity and ease of use - write something, commit and push - quick and simple. I spend so much time thinking about quality topics and content that i never end up posting anything at all. And no one is even reading these posts - so what am i worried about?
Just write
Yep that’s it.
Just crack out your text editor and put your thoughts on the screen. It is too hard to write for other people it you don’t know who they are, yeah sure if you have graphs of demographics and a tight target audience/niche cut out then you can tailor your writing to them. But for me I just write for me and that is what I will be doing from now on. I think it is a little therapeutic to just get your thoughts on “paper” but mostly for me this blog will serve as a personal how to and a historical document so i can remember how and what I do. I can’t claim this as a new original idea as I have defiantly read this on other blogs, but for anybody that may come across this blog - hey it might push you to get out there and have a go.
Make a routine
At least once a week sit down and write something or
Having a routine is important. Once I fall of the wagon I stop completely, so do a little bit lots of times (does that make sense)
Each little side project you do (which I seem to have plenty started…) write a post, even if you cant finish it.
This one is super important form me. I seem to switch contexts far too often so having an online weB LOG of my activity is super use-full.
Do it now
Don’t put it off, you can always go back and edit. Don’t bother censoring or carefully curating.
Just write
Now GO!